United States
Sep 10, 2024
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We are excited to announce that our team is growing. Recently we welcomed Jeremy Rodgers to the Autex Acoustics US team as our new New York City sales representative. He brings a range of experience working across production, marketing, and sales roles in previous jobs.
Having started his studies majoring in architecture, Jeremy pivoted to advertising and integrated marketing communications, graduating from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL. With a passion to help make the world sound better, Jeremy can’t wait to work with architects and designers across New York City.
Read below to get to know what makes Jeremy tick.
What motivates you?
Growth motivates me. I love the idea of starting with little to no experience in something and taking it further than myself or anyone can imagine. Continuing to learn and expand my capabilities is a top priority for me.
What goals do you have for the next six months?
I hope to be well on my way of growing the New York market and myself. Working with Katie Ciani to establish a strong East Coast presence and getting to know everyone within the Autex Acoustics family.
What hobbies do you have?
Some of my favorite hobbies are swimming, design, voiceover acting, and being a dedicated plant daddy.
What are your five go to places to get a real New York experience? And why?
Some of my go-to spots in NYC are:
United States
Sep 10, 2024
Interviews, News Article
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